Focus. It’s a word we throw around so casually, but how many of us really understand it? We talk about getting back on track, about “finding” our focus like it’s something that’s just misplaced. But the truth is, focus isn’t found—it’s forged.
Life doesn’t gently nudge you off course—it slams you off track. Loss, failure, distractions—they’re relentless. And we like to pretend we can juggle it all, that somehow adding more to our plate will magically bring us back in line. But here’s the reality: the more you try to do, the further you drift.
You don’t fix this by doing more. You fix it by doing less. Ruthlessly less. The secret to getting back on track isn’t adding another productivity tool, it’s cutting away the noise. It’s about burning everything else to the ground, clearing space for that one thing—the thing that truly matters.
Multitasking? That’s a lie we tell ourselves to feel productive while spinning in circles. True progress happens when you stop trying to juggle a thousand things at once. Focus is a choice. It’s uncomfortable. It requires you to say no. It demands you let go of the non-essential and, frankly, that’s terrifying. But it’s the only way forward.
So how do you get back on track? You redefine the track. You pick one goal. One mission. And you give it everything. You don’t ‘find’ your focus—you create it by choosing to let everything else burn.
And when the chaos clears, you’ll see it: the path wasn’t lost, it was just waiting for you to stop wasting time on what doesn’t matter.